5 Easy DIY Tips For Your Home

 'Home is where the Heart lies'. An ideal home is the one that reflects the taste of every member living in it. A house can only turn into a home when a personal touch is added to its home decor. Therefore Property Pistol will tell you about how you can give a personal touch to your home.

The  market in Mumbai is flourishing with every passing year; flats in Mumbai are getting costlier day by day. With so much competition around, it becomes very difficult to choose the right interior design for your home which also gives a personal touch. Here are a few ways where you can design your home with the way you like.

It takes but a few simple steps to spruce up and breathe new life into your home. Read this PropertyPistol.com long tail on to see how you can add a new flavor to your home without spending any money! You'd be amazed at the resources you already have sitting around collecting dust. Now it's time to put them to use: Do a Little Every Day, Ditch the Clutter ASAP, Invest in Baskets and Boxes, Do a Five-Minute Clean Every Night & Make a List of Chores.

  • Safeguard Memories

The best way to make you feel at home is when your closed ones are around you all the time and that is only possible when you display your favorite memories on your walls. A wall with photos frames is the best thing you can opt for.

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