How to Setup a Proxy Server

What is a proxy server?

In computer networks, the term proxy server is used to designate a server (a computer system or application program) that service the requirements of its users by forwarding requests to other servers. In other words, it means “mediator”. The client connects to a proxy server and requests a service, such as a document, a connection, a website, or any other resource that is available on another computer. Proxy allows you to use the service by connecting to the appropriate server and requesting a service on behalf of the client. Sometimes a proxy modifies the client’s request or the server’s response, and sometimes it can service the client’s request without even contacting the server. This process is called caching. It should also be said that the gateway is essentially a type of proxy server that passes client requests to the server, but unencrypted. This proxy is usually called tunneling proxy.


Types of proxy servers

Before we go into the story of how to setup a proxy server, it’s important that you know which types of proxy servers do exist. Here are some of mostly used ones.


1. Caching proxy

This type of proxy server is used in conditions where it is necessary to take into account traffic on the network. Cache proxy records in its memory the most frequently downloaded files from the Internet, and if ten computers from a local network access a page a hundred times a day, images and animations on that site, however small, with a large number of repetitions will make significant traffic. After a couple of page accesses, proxies will capture images from it and next time, at the request of the client, it will forward the images from it’s cache, instead of the website server.

2.Web Proxy

A proxy that focuses on WWW traffic is called a “web proxy”. Most often, the proxy in this configuration is used when there is a need for caching only web content. Many proxy programs allow the prohibition of access to certain websites. Some countries also use this function. For example, Saudi Arabia and China have a state proxy server. The entire Internet content of the state goes through a proxy server. In this way they influence the limitation of the availability of content.

Proxy Setup


A lot of proxy solutions can be found on the Internet. Before deciding which proxy you will use, inquire about its features, benefits, but also disadvantages. When you choose the proxy that you will be using, you need to configure it.. Proxy forces to redirect all traffic through it using a specific communication port. To make Web requests go to the destination, they need to be redirected through a proxy. This requires certain settings for your web browser.

Open a new instance, go to Tools and Internet Options.

The Internet Options dialog will appear on the screen.

Click the Connections tab and click on the LAN Settings button and a new dialog will appear.

An area marked with a Proxy server will appear on the screen.

Here you need to enter either the IP address of your server or the symbolic name, if you have one.

It is also necessary to enter the port that you have on the server, through which the communication will go.

If you do not want local communication in your network going through a proxy, and most often you do not want to, type “Bypass proxy server for local addresses”. Then you need to double-click OK to confirm the change.

If you need more information visit our site : free proxy list

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